Danielle Decker
Licensed Massage Therapist


Welcome to my website! Whether you are seeking a professional massage therapist or one who is just interested in learning more, you are in the right place.

To learn more about the varied techniques I use in my practice, please visit the "Services & Rates" or "About Me" pages.

For more information or to set up an appointment, please click on the "Contact Me" link and send me an email. Once I receive your request, I will contact you to confirm the details of your appointment. During that time, I will also answer any questions you may have.

Your signature bodywork treatment will be tailored to meet your specific needs. You can customize your massage by choosing a treatment type and duration and sharing your main focus (pain, stress reduction, relaxation). We will discuss your chosen treatments, goals, and needs at the start of the appointment.

Thank you for visiting, and have a wonderful day.